2023 All-Cluster Gathering Field Trips
Gathering Field Trips - Tuesday, June 6th
All field trips will gather at Normandy Farm at 1:00pm to depart via bus and return around 5:30pm. All specific information on itinerary and what to bring/pack is in Sched.
Upstream Suburban Philadelphia Green Stormwater Infrastructure and Stream Restoration Project Tour
Field Trip Summary: Join the Upstream Suburban Philadelphia Cluster for a tour of two recently restored suburban riparian corridors. In these walks, you will learn about the unique approaches to design, construction, funding, and engagement with local neighborhoods. Meet project partners from Fulmor Heights Homeowners Association on Pennypack Creek and PECO Right of Way along the Wissahickon Creek headwaters to tour an assortment of green infrastructure and stream restoration approaches. This trip is a wonderful opportunity to appreciate these projects and discuss the big picture and little details with project managers and landowners.
- Walking Tour of Fulmor Heights HOA stormwater projects
- Learn about project history from HOA and Pennypack Ecological Restoration Trust representatives.
- Tour cistern and rain gardens managing parking lot stormwater and slope stabilization below the parking lot.
- Continue to restored tributary section of Pennypack Creek flowing through HOA, incorporating both native plantings and park/trail amenities for HOA residents.
- Hike to Tour PECO Stream/Floodplain Restoration
- Short (half mile) section of Green Ribbon Trail (paved) to the PECO project site.
- Learn about this stream and floodplain restoration – 1,775 feet of formerly eroded stream channel has been regraded and reconnected to adjacent floodplain under PECO power line right of way.
This field trip brought to you by Pennypack Ecological Restoration Trust, Wissahickon Trails, and Pennsylvania Environmental Council
Projects and programs funded by: William Penn Foundation, NFWF DRRF, Fulmor Heights HOA, Upper Moreland Township, NFWF DRCF, DEP Growing Greener

Schuylkill Highlands Tour
Field Trip Summary: Join the Schuylkill Highlands Cluster for a tour of project highlights, where you’ll get to explore this breathtaking Chester County landscape. From a farm for retired horses, to a co-op farmer’s market model for local food production supporting regenerative agriculture, a municipal park and nature preserve, we’ll share some of the best the area has to offer. Our projects will showcase our partners’ unwavering commitment to land preservation and how we’ve leveraged opportunities leading to triple bottom line benefits. We’ll explore how these projects provide source water protection for nearly 2 million people downstream while also promoting climate resiliency, enhancing habitat and fostering the economic vitality and historic character of this region. This is a fantastic opportunity to experience the natural beauty of the Schuylkill Highlands.
- Tour Ellis Woods Park, part of Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan
- Tour Ryerss Farm for Aged Equines agriculture restoration projects
- Visit Red Dog Market co-op farmer’s market
- Tour Lundale Farm agroforestry project
- Thomas P. Bentley Nature Preserve and South Branch French Creek easements
This field trip brought to you by French & Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust, Green Valleys Watershed Association, Natural Lands, and Schuylkill Action Network
Projects and programs funded by: William Penn Foundation, NFWF DRRF, Open Space Institute, DEP Growing Greener, PA DCNR, Chester County, Warwick Township, and East Nantmeal Township.

Schuylkill River Paddling Tour
Field Trip Summary: Here is your chance to paddle the famous “Loop” of the Schuylkill River and the Schuylkill Canal! Hosted by the Schuylkill River Greenways and Take It Outdoors, participants will learn about the ongoing work to complete the Schuylkill River Trail, a recent project focusing on water quality of the river, as well as paddling the 5-mile loop including 2.5 river miles and 2.5 miles on the historical Schuylkill Canal.
This field trip brought to you by the Schuylkill River Greenways and Take It Outdoors.