Leading Through Ambiguity
Throughout the pandemic, we’ve all been driven to adapt to the uncertainty all around us. Our friend Andy Robinson of Train Your Board recently wrote about leading in uncertain times.
Throughout the pandemic, we’ve all been driven to adapt to the uncertainty all around us. Our friend Andy Robinson of Train Your Board recently wrote about leading in uncertain times.
By show of hands, who thinks the brainstorming process is easy? If you answered with ambivalence (or less) you’re not alone. Brainstorming sessions can be a wonderful tool to
Office doors are slowly opening back up. Consequently, the structure of meetings is shifting again. Many organizations are opting in with a hybrid meeting format, a fusion of virtual and
Still working from home? Will you, like our team at ICL, require changes to your team dynamic and organizational systems to adapt to working virtually for the rest of 2020?
July 14, 2020 Author: Joy Jackson, ICL Senior Associate “Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced” – James Baldwin
Like most nonprofit leaders, we sometimes find that we are so busy “doing the work” that we do not set nearly enough time aside to improve our own practice. We’re
ICL staff and Board members share their leadership resolutions for 2019! Dianne Russell Since leading the Women in Conservation Summit for National Wildlife Federation two years ago, I have
As facilitators, our job is to help environmental and conservation leaders have tough conversations, build consensus, and together explore ways to end inequalities and foster stronger teams. Those candid conversations
ICL’s team picks their favorite books about change for this summer. Switch: How to Change Things when Change is Hard by Chip and Dan Heath Recommended by Dianne Russell
Maybe you’ve noticed those special brown signs as you travel the interstate highway system telling you about entering a National Heritage Area or Corridor? These special places are where historic,
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