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Why your environmental or conservation organization isn’t more diverse . . . yet.
July 14, 2020 Author: Joy Jackson, ICL Senior Associate “Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced” – James Baldwin

Virtual Support by ICL – Sign Up Today
ICL’s March and April Offerings 1. Working Remotely: Effective Virtual Teams Join in a structured learning opportunity based around ICL’s 7 Tips for Remote Collaboration. This 60-minute session will

7 Tips For Effective Remote Collaboration
As a leader, moving forward in the face of sudden change can be a daunting challenge… but it can also be an opportunity to think creatively and explore new avenues

Support for You: Leadership in a Changing World
Last week the ground shifted below our feet. As the coronavirus pandemic emerges, our lives at every level are impacted. We know that you, as a leader, have to think

2020 Leadership Resolutions from the ICL Team
ICL staff share their leadership resolutions for 2020! Dianne Russell, President “Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.” –Confucius “The best is the enemy of the

Remembering Ed Easton, ICL’s founding Executive Director
When I learn that significant loved ones or mentors have died, it often feels like a very large tree has fallen in the forest, creating a gaping hole in my