Our Blog
Virtual Support by ICL – Sign Up Today
ICL’s March and April Offerings 1. Working Remotely: Effective Virtual Teams Join in a structured learning opportunity based around ICL’s 7 Tips for Remote Collaboration. This 60-minute session will
7 Tips For Effective Remote Collaboration
As a leader, moving forward in the face of sudden change can be a daunting challenge… but it can also be an opportunity to think creatively and explore new avenues
Support for You: Leadership in a Changing World
Last week the ground shifted below our feet. As the coronavirus pandemic emerges, our lives at every level are impacted. We know that you, as a leader, have to think
2020 Leadership Resolutions from the ICL Team
ICL staff share their leadership resolutions for 2020! Dianne Russell, President “Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.” –Confucius “The best is the enemy of the
Remembering Ed Easton, ICL’s founding Executive Director
When I learn that significant loved ones or mentors have died, it often feels like a very large tree has fallen in the forest, creating a gaping hole in my
Celebrating the Environment: Your Reading Recommendations From Summer 2019
Before you delve into the newest pumpkin spice treat, enjoy the end of summer with ICL’s top picks for environmental reading. In celebration of our environmental community, this year’s summer